sahaja's given name is SUNIL SANDEEP

Sahaja is the founder of Mysore Sound Healing Yoga Academy.
He has a solid 15 years of experience in sound healing and a certificate from the Kathmandu center of healing from nepal.
He first got to know about sound healing when he met a practicing sound healer and then took guidence under him for personal as well as group sound healing ceromonies.
Though he could perform group and one on one singing bowl ceremonies long back, He made a choice to practice personal Sound healing ceremony for many years before He opened the doors for private one on one healing and meditation sessions .
As described in the " Sound Healing " page, continuous, diligent, sincere and serious practice of the singing bowl ceremony, connects one to the divine vibes of the cosmos and in turn helps one to maintain a balance between the world within and the outside transactional world. it gradually brings one, to a complete, deep and transcendental states of mind and helps one to stay in that silent, still and infinetely spacious state, naturally and at ease.
Apart from sound healing, he has a rich tapestry of creative work; as he delves deeply into the audio-visual medium and brings forth very unique, distinct and valuable works of art, be it visual art, music and poetry to name a few.
Below is brief description sahaja's artistic escapde on mother earth.
Having had a keen eye for art and aesthetics from an early age, Sahaja went on to study design. Parallely, he had been nurturing his favourite genre, visual art, specifically photography. He recalls how he had been fascinated by the micro as well the macrocosm with all its intricate details and the global nature of the cosmos . The artist in him, with a child like innocence and with a strong backing of his experience in painting from his childhood, made him to consider taking to photography as his medium of expression, as his heart was meant to capture frozen moments in time. His work with the lens for more than a decade taught him many a thing about himself and the world, along with finer nuances in imagery. He was passionate about finding ways to bridge the gap between paintings and photography. His serious practice and experimentation in this regard yielded him fruits of unbelievable significance where he invented a technique which bridges the gap between paintings and photography. examples of the results of this technique are present in the last section of the slideshow presented in the photography section of this website.
As a natural progression, his passion towaords making music and writing poetry had to manifest. Since a decade, he has been working working with the indian bamboo flute and one of the very difficult string instruments, the sarod. apart from learning these instruments, he also makes electronic music with the latest musical software tools.
apart from composing pure instrumental music, he has written and composed about 20 songs which are getting professionally produced. The first track " Just For Peace "of his debut album " just for peace is on spotify, and the links are there in the music section of this website. the other songs are getting produced and would eventually released officially as time passes by.
Through out this journey in art, he faced intense inner turmoil as he had to juggle and find a balance between the outer physical world and his inner being, his soul and spirit. though most of his works in art won him accolades and recognition, his inner tempest in finding his true self never made him stop and question the existing belief systems and the social dogmas. his intense study of almost all the works of the contemporary mystics like OSHO, J Krishnamurthy, Eckhart tolle, rupert spira, mooji, and Francious lucielle, to name a few, left him kind of stranded between an intellectual understanding of truth and the chaos of reality.
Finally as he walked on his own expriential path based on the pure teachings of the upanishads and vedanta, works by Lao Tzu and purest form of wisdom teachings of the great Ramana Maharishi , he realised the golden shrine of tranquility is aways within all of us. But we miss to see the very obvious presence of the eternal primordial " is" ness or the "such" ness, just because we are so much pre-occupied in making sense of the transactional world, with all our senses going outward. And the only way to see and experience this eternal infinite and spacious presence is to take a step back and rest in the centre of one's own presence / awareness or consciousness. Only then can one overcome the dark and thick layers of belief systems, cognitive dissonance and other elements like social and personal conditionings, chaos and imbalance of conscious and subconscious layers of mind and access the silent abode of the infinite spacious stillness and the inner light. But as an element of caution, he feels if one feels he as arrived... he is in delusion, just the eternal spacious silence is the truth and the absolute reality. The rest may be just for mere fun or misery based on the cards we are dealt with.
As there is only one consciousness with no other, we are all that...
" Tat Twam Asi " - "