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During a course of about half a decade, Sahaja has penned down many poems, whenevr there was a natural flow of ideas and thoughtS. Luckily he found a pen and paper to note them down, and so a collection of poems was gathered. He also published his first book of poems named " The Crossover - open heart verses. "Here he presents all his work till now as an ardent poet.

The Song of the Lily

the little lily in my heart

yearns to see your glorious grace

i often sit and wonder

will i ever get to see your face


restless i am amidst the chaos of life

please give me strength to live

there is nothing i seek except you

i will accept anything you give


i am aware of your mystic presence

since ages i have been searching you

what is it that i have missed

that you keep me waiting in the queue


the breeze of life is stronger than wine

all i am is a beggar with a bowl

i will dance to the song you sing

and wait to become one with the supreme soul



Innocent Plea

cloud o cloud

cloud o mystic cloud

where have you come from 

and where will you go?


you are the one with the formless form

i dream of becoming one with you

roll down the ladder from the heavens

my thirsty nerves yearn to meet you


ignorant am i, playing the cards of life

a million mirages have i crossed

serving you is an honor for me

free me forever from what has passed


shower on me the eternal wisdom

i have waited on dirt for so long

take me into your womb i prey

and make my faith stealthily strong




Call Of The Withered Heart

my withered heart calls out loud in space

will you ever take me along with you

i have been walking since ages on this soil

please make my deepest call come true


i hope not you have forgotten me

i hope i am not out of reach

please show some mercy on this lonely soul

i will learn whatever that you teach


i sit and wonder many a time

what is real and what is not 

when will the curtains of deception be lifted

to see beyond is what i have sought


i have led many a life 

in seeking you, in search of bliss

all along i have had you in my heart

waited so long for your divine kiss


Mystic Vibe

i dream of a land of no hate but love

often i go to spaces unknown

hearing sounds of oneness with you

my heart opens up to the bliss that is shown


i hear the sound of the empty vessel

in the middle i sit with the new found state

moments in time i see them pass

vanishing into dust in this mystic play so great


i long to be your child forever

i long to be at your feet

me the ignorant soul o divine

make me one with your fruit so sweet


i see your dance when the trees swing in glory

i sense your presence wherever i go

the songs from the shells echoes in my mind

and i witness the grand holy show



Souls Cry

i cry out to the open sky to take me high

for i i know that i am your child

my arms stretch out to the horizon

and all my cells just go wild


i witness the soul's song many a time

i witness bells of bliss ring in my heart

i want to be inseparable from you

and get away from the harsh mart


lonely i feel in this grand maze

for long have i twisted and turned

please make me drink the holy nectar

for all my fuel i have burnt


all that which passes away in the play

are mere perceptions, actions and consequences

now that i know that nothing is real

i refuse to yield to any of my senses



Cry of The Soul

i have slept a countless lives

its just now that i am opening my eyes

i have lived all my life in dreams

please teach me how to roll the dice


when will you show me the art of balance

when will you lift the screens of doubt

in this maze of memories and wants

i have seen how attachments sprout


every moment i remember you 

my heart is full of lucid joy

i am ready to let go of my story

and see the back of the ego's cry


i stand in front of the magic mirror

where i see thousand a face

i question who is the real me inside

who is the one to disappear without a trace



Silent Prayer

you cannot measure my love for you oh my lord

why have you still kept me waiting at the gates

its been forever that i have had your glimpse

i wonder how the magic potion tastes


i bring to you silent offerings of love

which have seen whethers extreme

i have endured till now, breathing you in every breath

taking each step however hard it may seem


i see your reflection in every cell 

but still you manage to escape out of my grasp

all i have is a lucid remembrance of you

which i carry on as my primary task


you are there, here, every where

your magnificent omnipresence stuns me all the time

i have been seeking to be one with you

i have been longing to enter your world sublime





Right In The Middle

i have rowed the boat for a long time now

my throat is dry and my arms have struggled

on this journey miraculous i have seen

many a situation which i have juggled


oh lord, let me be in each of your breath

and let me be a grain of sand in your holy beach

i don't ask for much as i have learnt in life

that desire is the one which keeps you out of reach


i dream of reaching back home

i dream of being one with you

when will i be out of this illusion called life

and the plots made by the mind which look so true


i wonder why you want me to go through

all that you have in store for me

i wonder why this game was started at the first place

when pain and misery were also for me to see

Song of The Seer

i refuse to pluck flowers to adorn you

for i know you are the flower itself

i plead you to empty my bowl when its full

and push my ego off the shelf


mysteries unsolved haunts me all the time

you show a thousand possibilities so real

please give me the vision of wisdom 

to raise myself and see the wounds heal


i have been sailing in rough seas

i have broken many a sword

how is it that you want me to play this game

tell me the secret to strike the right chord


what is the mystic purpose of this breath

and the grand puzzle of space and time

show me the truth once and for all 

and lift me above the realm of crime


The Walk

alone i walk on this cryptic path

i have lived in dark dungeons for so long

my bones will never stop the search to find you

grace me with your blessings and make me strong


i have erred a thousand time

i have committed many a crime

but your open heart still accepts me

and soothes me all the time 


i am learning to live with myself

i am learning to taste the wine

i beg for your presence in my heart

for long have i waited to enter your shrine


i have fought with my mind for so long

and i have learnt the futility of this dreadful war

give me the courage to stand alone

and teach me how to stop the spar


even after i gather the the greatest knowledge

i know that i am just your toy

show me the ways of sitting still

to feel the mystic hymns of tranquil joy



Desperate Call

memories a million haunt me all the time

please show some grace and soothe down my nerve

give me the wisdom of staying in the present

for you i will always serve


my ears have waited so long to hear your divine song

please show me your eternal glimpse

i am at your mercy now that i have known

that you are the one controlling my limbs


help me see the world as you see

help me grow in your garden of gold

it has been a dark night for so long

in my heart your remembrance i hold


i have seen my wishes and my wants

getting washed away by the tempest of change

here i sit with empty open hands

dissolving all the thoughts so strange



Herat Felt Surrender

i have seen through windows a million

i have been waiting for the call of the wild

i will go wherever u take me

sculpt me up till i become mild


i am ready to take any pain you give

for i know its a part of your plot

i want to swim in your wholly waters

for that i will give whatever i have got


i stand high on the edge of my mind

ready to jump to reach the deadly depths 

i want to know once and for all

for i have died a thousand deaths


i remember you with each of my breath

is it wrong to want you by my side

i plead you to take me into your arms

there is nothing more that i have to hide


Lost In The Middle

i am tired of using flesh and bones o my lord

take me back to your holy space

i long to fly high in your heart

i long to vanish without a trace


these false screens of the reality perceived 

locks me up in the minds jail

free me from what is not 

and make my life's boat sail


help me shed out the soot i carry

help me to cause no pain

my search has not been for gold

i want to soak myself in the holy rain


teach me to be a nobody 

strip me naked and show me the light

through the journey eternal have i learnt

that thought is the one which causes the fight



Beggars Plea

in your grand play of illusions

i know i am a mere pawn

waiting i sit to be shown the truth

waiting i sit to see the holy dawn


the night has been there for long

but still my faith is strong

i have knocked on several doors

in search of the divine song


why has been there so much suffering

and what is that makes you unfold this way

decoding your cryptic messages i find

hate is the one making everyone pay


why is turmoil entwined with the fabric of life

when the world of grace is free for all

teach me how to walk on this path

and listen to my heart's deepest call



Final Truth

i have been sitting in silence

watching each of my thought fly by

i ask you what more is there to do

to reach your temple so high


time exists just for convenience

and so does the game of words

reality is just a passing cloud

where we humans, move in herds


does anyone really know

whats in store for us, the human race

we are all swimming in swamps of chaos

screaming, shouting and spoiling the place


i request you to show us the way

and teach us how to cause no pain

i request you to wake us up

and teach us how to be sane


i reach out to you

to the unknown face

hidden in the mist of my dreams

my eyes search for your presence

your eternal grace

my skin awaits your touch

your warm embrace

i watch my breath

i know you’re in there

i take refuge in the centre

suspended in blissful emptyfulness





amidst mountains of mist

lies the truth deep within

between frozen moments in time

mind evolves towards bliss


words of wisdom

come free with breath

rooted in the centre

and skin beyond horizon


possibilities of perception

are all that there is

choice of action

is the only key


lost in cycles of repetition

vision paralyzed

man marches towards order

building forts of ego and hate


collective consciousness

is muted for eternity

as lust and money

trade souls and minds





years that passed by

had to be that way

the presence of this moment

is what god has to say


resting in the cuckoo’s nest

i sleep graciously

the softness of the hay

is never costly


soothing sounds

are common now

gentle seeds of love

have begun to grow


the smell of fresh grass

is all the time with me

i look for timid adventures

with fishes of the sea


the morning sun

takes the darkness away

the gentle cool breeze

makes me sway


long lost memories

are coming back

the digging is done

and the gems are in my sack




blooming sundays in my backyard

clouds of mystery flying by

harmony kisses my cheek

and time loses its memory


rivers of delight

touch the ocean of love

bringing spring to the surface

and soaks me in abundance


smooth voices of bliss

wake me up to sing and dance

heavenly birds

come along and play with me


no more dark tunnels to be crossed

no more cages to bind me in

no more bridges of doubt to be walked on

and no more wounds to be healed



Lost and found

there is no need for me to hide anymore

the moves have been tried and tested

and their uselessness has been realized

only the calling of existence remains


i watch the fragments join together

i see the full picture now

the times when i was lost

were important for me to know


i searched for your presence all this time

and i am savouring the fruits now

insights into the deepest quarter

have become an occurrence at will


while i sleep i know you are by my side

i know you are there for me all the time

your ever forgiving heart has freed me

and i can never pay back what i have received


i was sick, in pain and i tortured myself

but you rescued me and brought me back to life

the events and the people i met were all your plan

to get me back on my feet to stand again




Open Door

i walk past the

doors of delight

i see my pain vanishing

out of my sight


my fists open up

my shoulders give up the fight

my ego vanishes into dust

in a single night


mystic heights

are scaled down

the righteous path

is now known


kindness sprouts

out of me

i become one

with life's tree


i watch disgust flow out

from my window pane

i learn the essence

of being sane




Just For Peace

what is sought is not real

listen to the light speak

deep inside is the real war

win it there… win it there…


why the torture

why the pain

when we can be sane

till time exists we can choose love

not crave


say it loud say it clear…

the end is never here

say it loud say it clear…

the end is never here


tears through time

have swept us away from each other

it’s a crime which we

have committed together


if the heart is locked

then the mind is jail

and surely we will fail


truth inside is the only way to freedom

the only way to happiness

never give up

keep moving till you find yourself


just for peace

just for peace

just for peace...


fooled by popes and priests

man has become blind to his inner eye

walking through doorless streets

he finds no one to hear his cry


money dictates every move

money drives him crazy and mad

money makes an animal out of him

money makes him bad and sad


when will he hear the call of the open sky

when will he listen through his inner ear

when will this mad race end

and when will he become his own seer


sinking into the abyss of ignorance

and believing the age old scripts

blind to the songs of peace

man lives in poisonous creeks


the tricky mind fools him all the time

the shallow knowledge embraces him

wants and desires have all pounced on his way

only to make him stern and grim


driving past the sunset of life

one may realize it’s too late to get back

that he lived all his life in such big hype

and wholly missed nature's track...




the drunken human mind

takes us to the ditch

the divine nectar gets poisoned

by the spells of the witch


we move in a hurry

at the heart’s cost

in the labyrinth

most of us are lost


opening the door

seems so tough

wishes fly away

in one smoky puff


life has become

like a serious game of cards

fragile human bonds

are hung on broken backyards


jolts of reality hit us often

still we refuse to get softened

fantasies are so useless

till the cuts and wounds are opened



World's Busy

busy roads

and busy traffic

busy offices

we just go sick


those big hoardings

spoil the natural scene

the media never helps

to keep the mind clean


tiring jobs

and wealth in banks

mindless possessions

of guns and tanks


political messes

and religious fights

tedious processes

and useless human rights


open injustice

in the courts

criminals win

and gloat in forts


is there an end

to this nightmare

the drama never stops

we just have to glare!



Rude Ruler

kingdom of heaven

sighs as it sees man’s plight

hell has taken over

and there is a very dim light


kinship has been destroyed

by the tempest of power

it’s only a matter of time

till the fall of the tower


we all live in cages

we all live in jails

if we have to get out

we have to follow nature’s trails


the concrete jungles

eats us away

to the vampire of money

we have all become prey


long live the emperor

who caused all this

long live the king

who sold our bliss




demons of power and brutality

engulf sweet tender hearts

a narrow little ray of light

still peeps in parts


hideous human wants

ravage us day by day

sparkles of softness suffer

as the wise men say


weapons of untruth

destroy all the human bonds

the devil kisses the earth

and sings in bloody ponds


the fiery gates of hell

the earth has already seen

do we still need reminders

can’t we save the green?


summons of justice

have to be faced

the foolishness of our minds

can never be traced




the sorrow of life

makes me cry inside

who can do what

to crush one’s pride


jealousy reveals itself

many a time

only to make us sad

as it’s an inbuilt crime


the run for applause

makes us insane

the tide never stops

and everyone is in the lane


the human machine

sows seeds of misery

the crops have to be seen

there is no other worry


dancing to robotic tunes

we have all lost our way

mania has to be encountered

and its not far away

Crime Thriller

hiding the criminal inside

can never be good for us

by freeing ourselves from our greed

we will get rid of the pus


giant boulders of harshness

rule the world these days

the person who is honest

is the one who pays


taking pills of temporary tranquilizers

will never uproot the evil from the heart

if we want to see the full picture

we need to get out of the mart


climbing stairs of temples and churches

the truth can never be felt

the only way to get there is

with existence, we need to melt


shining armors are a common sight

when will we realize there is no need to fight

the ego has to be left behind

to get to a state of being kind



Shoot The Sprout

fertile soils of kindness

seem to be lost in time

yielding to the foolish mind

man commits many a crime


messing around with his rackets

he sticks his nose out

his humanness is lost

and he loves to be in a bout


he tries to grab

everything he can

to make this happen

he has many a plan


truth and justice

take the back seat

man's never ending wars

will never keep the planet neat


the question in the end

is who will get the loot

his struggle to reach the top

is seriously moot



Mirage in the Mirror

mirror mirror on the wall

who is the smartest of us all?

are they the ones who scream for fame

or are they the ones who watch this game?


the ones who have bags full of wit

dig the graves of the sweet and the humble

frighteningly unaware war of words

leaves the puzzle even more jumbled


the buzzing bees in the corporate world

and the race of stars in the cine scape

sets the tone for a thrilling game

for a run for paltry prizes


heaps of loot are thrown

into idiotic affairs

and the winner howls

with moronic outrage


the party scene is filled with jerks

praising each other for their quirks

we all watch this on the big screen

and bathe them with applause


aren't they all jokers in the play

aren't they all spoiling the cake

when will we make them fathom this

and bring in true camaraderie in all of us?



Bound By Boundaries 

boundaries are there to be broken

fears are there to be encountered

but the ones who rule the world

chain us inside gory prisons


our calls of pain go unheard

our feet gasp as it moves along

treacherous promises by the men in power

push us into deep scary dungeons


the dark face of the rulers of the empire

stinks of greed and hellish injustice

the hoard of crimes and sins

burns away into clouds of veiled smoke


the escape routes are perpetually blocked

and the scream of the masses is heard as a joke

forcing the human herd to where they want

they gallop on rich and ornamented chariots


there are forces which think they protest

but they themselves are hungry in the war

the mad buzz in the media circles

keeps the common man’s life jammed up in jars



Where is my Pie

punches and kicks may strike any time

and we may argue it’s a big crime

if we take the blow to be light

we will survive and not suffer the plight


no one wants to stand last in the queue

the meaningless race is so much true

but if we agree to be in the end

nature forces all the rules to bend


the foolish mind craves for the ego

but it doesn't know its just a show

the piling continues till we know

we need to learn how to let go


by the miserable race to grab our share

we find ourselves at no one’s care

the less we ask, the more we get

and so at home we are already there


empty vessels are always full

there is no reason for us to mull

we just need the eyes to see

and stop filling with such a spree




Secret Sauce

presence matters the most

but thoughts come in the way

awareness is lost

and actions drink and sway


mystic path

to be walked on

it’s not math

with proofs of sermon


darkness the whole

and light within

all is soul

the one almighty


we personify him

and land in trouble

we feel we know him

and pray in vain


there is nobody

listening to our prayers

what is required is

communion with existence


if we see a flower in the moment

and feel that’s the greatest gift

there shall be no torment

time flies like a swift


nature is the biggest cure

nature is the medicine

nature heals us

from all our sins




Deeper Depths

to confess you don't know

is never a crime

to live the unknown is courageous

in the passage of time


the awakened one hardly speaks

but he whispers in your dream

messages flow through him

like the softness of the cream


life is a miracle, life is a gift

life invites you to merge with the mist

to take the jump is in our hands

for the voyage to distant lands


the deeper the thirst, the stronger the drink

the flow continues, if we don't miss the link

the nectar of life is for every one to share

godliness and us, must be like a pair


the path to be taken is so clear

moving gently like a deer

there are monsters, there are beasts

but they scare me the least



Genuine Guide

words are never enough

to express the almighty's presence

the feelings of oneness

is beyond communication


if only we could hear what our

innermost light had to say

we could have found routes

to reach the mystical place


in the tempest of the modern world

we all have gone so far away

that it takes a monstrous effort

to realize the purpose of existence


the glory of the divine

is in the simplicity of the mundane

we run behind synthetic pleasures

to fulfill the thirst of our senses


the way back is what we have to walk on

and savour the gifts on this eternal path

all the sins and guilt vanishes into dust

as forgiving is the very essence of nature


just open your eyes

and see the elegance of godliness

hidden in flowers, birds and all creation

you will see the breath of life in its fullest


mind feeds on the past and the future

but the only real thing is the present

continuously unfolding into higher realms

bringing completion to mankind


lighten your shoulders and give up the fight

as it can never bring harmony to light

to cease the chaotic behaviour of the mind

cut the ever-growing list of wants and desires


can we ever possess the infinity of existence

can we ever create seeds of life

we mistake that we are the owners of what we have

don't we know that we will soon be reduced to dust?


we can never control what happens outside us

then why do we worry and suffer

if we leave nature to do its job and mend our shortcomings

we can see miracles happening around us and stay light


the quest for gathering knowledge

makes us empty when it comes to knowing

it’s a feeling of innocence and beingness

and not of having pride for what we have learnt


birth and death are not in our hands

but we act as though we are permanent

what is it that makes the mind go after dreams

and what is it that makes us toil all the time


where do we have to reach to proclaim?

where is this road going to take us?

don't we have a home inside us

in which we have the full space already?


causing tremors in the fertile soils of peace

can never lead us from darkness to light

it’s never our right to correct the other

but it’s our job to look into ourselves


swimming against the tide

only makes us tired and hopeless

can we ever accept what is given to us

and for once be happy with what we have?


life is a game of happiness and sorrow

it’s left for us to be identified with either

they all pass like the waves of the ocean

and seeing this can teach us sanity


true gift is to stand apart from the worldly happenings

and look at ourselves as mere specks in the giant cosmos

and realize that our presence is valuable to the whole

and not cause trauma and pain to the godly plan



Law Of Life

it’s an easy affair

to turn back and go to the old ways

but courageous are those

who accept their helplessness


to remain as a seed forever

is not why we were born

we all need to allow nature

to sing its melodies through us


never listen to those who cage themselves

never allow their thoughts to pull you down

why curb our inner child’s right

of being left alone in its space


we are still savages

when it comes to knowing the truth

every small hand which rises to know

is a great step taken for mankind


jump into the unknown

and you will learn the ways

let go of all the conditioning

and be a child again


stars are calling me

to fly high in the sky

i have lost track of time

and i am sure it’s not a lie


i can hear the rainbow calling

to spread my wings

the forest whispers

as the wild man sings


all the sins

are getting blurred

my final wish

is being heard


the mystic darkness

calls me in

the point of the game is

neither to lose nor win


in the middle of chaos

i hear the silence of space

the heavens have opened up

with sweet simple grace



When The Sirens Blow

when glory calls

and the whistle blows

pain fades away

and the light shows


from the depths of darkness

rises the eternal silence

for the ones who waited

with lots of patience


through the narrow alleys

of endless suffering

i moved with the hope

of seeing spring


wants disappeared

into the eternal fire

burning the past

and sparking the future


timeless moments

still remain

hidden deep down

like falling drops of rain


winds of desire

are history now

blank spaces in my mind

have begun to show



voices unheard before

whisper in my ears

true happiness inside

brings out the tears


sensing the touch

of the humble beast

i jump across

to the lovely feast


the key is found

to the mystic door

the path is lit up

with the downpour


flowers of the forest

bloom in silence

fragrance of love

kills the violence


the poetic call

of the sweet li’l bird

has the power to change

any crazy nerd


the distant sound

of the humming flute

brings the feminine mystery

out from the root


i reach for the stars

i reach out to the moon

the fruits of my struggle

may be coming soon


seeing the tender drops

on the giant leaf

i become a witness

to the vanishing grief


life is never straight

life is a wheel

can we live fully

till we break the seal


pain and pleasure

go hand in hand

they all fly

like grains of sand


day in and day out

it’s a new page

it’s never false

like the words of the sage





i move far away into the unknown

where each breath is free

floating with waves

and spreading myself across


lying under the giant abyss

and nursing galaxies in my womb

my form disappears

and vanishes into space


calm rhythms of joy

enter my receptive field

whales sing and lotuses bloom

at the core


the monumental feet of the divine

pass by slowly and gently

and colossal screens sway in silence

and i am the watcher of it all…


there are just feelings

projected in my holographic space

i find tranquility sitting by my side

and i am no more there


when everything vanishes

and just space remains

everything is the centre

or there is no centre





i sit on the butterfly's wing

and i gently tell it to sing

its mesmerizing tune

makes me high so soon


i ride on an ants back

to see its unseen track

it gives me goodies to eat

and they taste so sweet


i go fishing with the bear

i camp with it i swear

it gives me a hug so warm

it makes me so calm


i relax on the beach with a seal

i sit with it and share a meal

stories of the sea it tells

that the shark casts all its spells


i hold the elephants tusk and swing

he gets impressed and gifts me a ring

i love the way he uses his trunk

i try to imitate and we both get drunk


i go on an adventure with a white pig

i tell him i love the way he wags his tail

he thanks me for my compliment with a grunt

and tells me he just married a snail


i come face to face with a snake

i get scared to death

but it kisses me on the cheek

and tells me to free my breath


i go into the jungle

in search of a hare

i find him

and he has a story to share


why do we cage these sweet animals

why do we take this senseless thrill

don't we have much better things to do

don't we have our own gaps to fill?

Market Theory

every moment

the clock gets wound

the human machine

makes a horrible sound


the old thugs of war

will never let us grow

sins committed are everywhere

as the newspapers show


tempting toys in the mart

have consumed us day by day

we all act without a choice

in the long treacherous play


the big guns of the world

rear us like a herd of sheep

we are mere puppets

and the climb is very steep



Cardiac Arrest

earth is a tiny speck

scattered somewhere in space

funny printed paper called money

is such a never ending race


if barter existed till this time

we could have stopped all this crime

but so much time’s passed in a blink

that we missed the biggest link


man’s hunger knows no rest

he always wants to be the best

if the lesson was properly learnt

his fingers he’d have hardly burnt


man has learnt to use his head

rather than just living from the heart

the strong need to earn his bread

never leads him back to the start


who is the seer of body and mind

who is the one being so kind

is he the one who shows his grace

  to the whole human race



Media Madeups

add add

add and add

eyes, ears and head

go mad


hit or a flop

just doesn't matter

posters on the walls

spoil the platter


signing for sprays

signing for jackets

the whole crowd howls

and empties its pockets


action, cut

edit and delete

makes the drama

seem so neat


beauty on the surface

and tremors in the core

say what you want

but it is such a bore


fantastic fallacies

super duper reels

we lose the track

of what is real


glazy lipsticks

and frightening styles

behind the screen

are same old files


in search of heights

we go round and round

covering the skin

will never heal the wound



Party Puppets

bare naked humans

dressed in juicy false dresses

admire each other

and get lots of kisses


to compare and to be sad

is a common thing in us

will we ever get out

of this ever-growing mess?


even the greatest applause

can never show us true bliss

then why are we rushing in?

and what will we miss?


disco jams

will stay only for a while

why is the uproar

just to fake a smile?


the outer world

can never replace the void inside

shall we stop impressing

and look inside?






the ocean of life

knows no end

every one wants to be the emperor

but there is not much love to spend


the modern mind

has become evil to the core

the brakes have all failed

and the world spins on death's shore


no one hears

nature’s cry

hardly anyone

gives it a try


truth shrugs itself

and light hides from the dark

what has happened to us humans

where is that one big spark?


the dangerous rain of doubt

has swept us all away

when will these clouds pass

when will be that bright sunny day?




we can never point how

this world came into existence

there is no start and there is no end

to this wonderful fragrance


even satellites and telescopes

cannot solve the mystery

we just live in false hopes

and repeat history


through the ages

men do fight

harsh reality of life

never lets us take it light


our ignorance of our own doings

pushes us down the drain

we need to learn

how to cause no pain


mental wars will continue

till the end

if we want to stop that

never dare to offend





the fruit of knowledge

was eaten long back

that’s when the human race

fell off the track


we are moving

towards a dirty pit

it’s very difficult

to recover from it


i sit and wonder

where is the solution

we will need

one big revolution


on one side are the riches

and on the other are the rags

the world revolves around

high pricy tags


tapes and cassettes

are played on loud speakers

the tickets are forced down

even if there are no takers



Curtain Raiser

behind the scenes of fancy faces

there lie thousands of stories untold

the mystery never unfolds

as it’s covered by thick masks so cold


the reigns of the world beneath

stretch to deep filthy depths

the gruesome brutal venomous tree

rises high and wrecks the human breath


right in front of the sight of the sane

the dice of the foul plots are thrown

the everlasting saga of this wicked plan

shatters the dreams of the common man


the forceful blows make us kneel down

in front of the fanatic heartless emperors

their indifferent ways hurt us even more

and tear apart our hopes of joy


the raging bulls in our minds

find other outlets to let out the pain

life on earth takes dreadful turns

and makes the wheel of faith fall down



Will The War Ever End

there is no end to war on earth

there is no end to the mother’s love

but the balance is never at peace

as the brutes are always left to grow


revolting just leads us to more pain

and we are forced to toil time and again

the drama seems to never end

as the scripts are scribbled by the insane


the horrific wreckage of the human past

is a wheel which only runs one way

there is no turning back to undo

and the future has no new roads to lay


what remains amidst the chaos

is a fistful of meagre human world

no one knows where we are headed

it’s all a play of continuous struggle


if one looked from a bird’s eye view

and saw himself at the centre of the storm

there are chances to bring personal revolution

and bring out an immortal fragrance from within



Truth Spread Wide

have you seen rivers flowing up

or have you seen fire burning down

if you miss to see this truth

you will look like one big clown


nature’s ways are so neat

millions of paths are its fleet

the human game is like a mime

which seeks rewards all the time


if we cling to any of our thoughts

what we should have has never been sought

the constant pictures in our mind

have made us look like we’re blind


the glowing light at the centre

is hidden behind a very thick screen

we will never be able to reach it

if we set out to be mean


the root of evil is to judge

who are we to say what’s right or wrong

but the mania of the crowd

spoils the sweetness of the divine song


if we want to conquer this world

we certainly hurt our inner child

being happy with what we have

will teach us how to be mild


to change ourselves for the good

is the only way left for us

let’s all take one giant leap

what’s the pleasure by all this fuss?

Cosmic Compass

grief and sorrow surround us

when castles of love are destroyed

we go searching for outer pleasures

and forget to care about the inner void


listening to our own true calling

we can walk on the pathless path

but for that we need to be ready

to give up the harmful wrath


cuts and bleeds may occur often

as we move alone in the dark

but it’s really worthwhile

to go in search of the spark


once you merge with the space

you will see the divine grace

all the pain and suffering

will cease at its own pace


to get out of the prison

we must know we are already there

nature always helps

the ones who have time to spare


clarity of thought, clarity in action

are a must to live a balanced life

this can never become a reality

by being rude and in strife


by being aimless and goalless

we can get out of the pointless race

we need to be ready to take the jump

and to curtail our fast pace


patience is the key to walk on the path

we always need to keep skimming the froth

to be in constant love with existence

will always help us to break the fence


to seek the truth is our birth right

there is no need for us to fight

the supreme experience has no fee

we can sing and dance in glee



Praise The Lord

the master standing on the mountains

rests without getting tempted

he knows the secrets of life

and he has no wishes to be granted


he sings songs of melody

he is not bothered if any one is listening

a glow of grace surrounds him

like the beauty of the lightning


he stands alone in the middle

he sits by the riverside

he watches the ripples pass by

and no one can take him for a ride


wisdom is natural to him

he is out of all the suffering

he has reached back home

he has forgotten what it means to cling


he spreads the message of love

he allows each one to grow

if we never had him by the side

we could have never crossed the tide



As It Is

there is a seed of the holy tree

hidden deep inside each one of us

to nurture it and see it grow

is the greatest of pleasures one can have


the sapling of love yearns to bloom

fruits of happiness are waiting for us

if we are stuck to the outer world

we will never give it a chance to flourish


it just takes us to let go our rigidity

it just takes us to see the possibility

when we understand that nature has a law

we stop running against the flow and be one with it


the work is never done at just one single shot

it’s a constant remembrance of the holy presence

when the observer becomes the observed

the remains of the past beliefs vanish


truth never fools us to dead ends

it’s just our false beliefs which do so

when we become aware of the mystic path

we can never miss to see the eternal glow



Path To Glory

the path to light

has to be walked alone

there are no shortcuts

and there are no maps


on this path

there is no goal

the light is already there

it just has to be discovered


the boundaries put by society

are the thorns which we encounter

the rules of the world

are the gates to be broken


there will be dark tunnels

there will be dead ends

but we can cross all the bridges

if we have a deep thirst for truth


leaving behind our identity

and resting in peace being nameless

is the key to experience bliss

and the way to reach home


watching thoughts flow by

and not tagging along with them

is the secret to the holy world

where true peace resides everywhere


resting in silence

to observe the self

is never a waste of time

nor is it an easy affair


there have been masters

through the ages

who have shown us the way

to the holy world of the divine


by listening to their unspoken words

we can enter their angelic world

by stopping the currents inside

we reach the centre of the whole


it all happens in a moment

it’s never a long phase in time

but the ones who are diligent

know the trick to drink the wine


to begin this wonderful journey

is the question to be confronted

whether we are happy being blindfolded

or do we wish to see the light


Heartfelt hymn

glorious castles of love in my heart

yearn to reach out to the horizon

i am still learning the language

of sharing what has been bestowed upon me


i relax as my aims and goals no more exist

all that is left is moments of contentment

there is no need for me to show how big i am

there is no need to shout and scream


i am helpless when it comes to bringing

balance in totality on this planet

but i do have the strength and courage

to express what i have known


selfishness is the greatest crime

from whose claws, exits are hard to find

to uproot its presence from our life

is the greatest victory one can achieve


to be bold and accept one’s flaws

gives rise to pathways to inner happiness

it may seem unconnected in the beginning

but surely is the first step towards healing


acceptance is the key to salvation

acceptance brings a revolution within us

acceptance frees us from the cages we live in

and brings down the burdens we carry


inner glory is always present within us

but we struggle hard to find happiness outside

when each breath becomes a prayer

it’s impossible for existence to not show us light


i still remember the days when i was in the dark

struggling to find answers to all my questions

but i never gave up the path on which i was walking

even though obstacles were a most common thing

i still remember the days when i was in the dark

struggling to find answers to all my questions

but i never gave up the path on which i was walking

even though obstacles were a most common thing


all my pain was meant for me to experience

and all my failures were for the good

what i learnt out of this is trust in existence

and i was rewarded in abundance


the only thing which is possible

is to bring personal revolution

revolution of the masses

has never been a success through the ages


books and literature may get us knowledge

but the true knowing only comes

to those who work towards being aware

of what they think and what they do


Song of The Seer

i refuse to pluck flowers to adorn you

for i know you are the flower itself

i plead you to empty my bowl when its full

and push my ego off the shelf


mysteries unsolved haunts me all the time

you show a thousand possibilities so real

please give me the vision of wisdom 

to raise myself and see the wounds heal


i have been sailing in rough seas

i have broken many a sword

how is it that you want me to play this game

tell me the secret to strike the right chord


what is the mystic purpose of this breath

and the grand puzzle of space and time

show me the truth once and for all 

and lift me above the realm of crime


The Walk

alone i walk on this cryptic path

i have lived in dark dungeons for so long

my bones will never stop the search to find you

grace me with your blessings and make me strong


i have erred a thousand time

i have committed many a crime

but your open heart still accepts me

and soothes me all the time 


i am learning to live with myself

i am learning to taste the wine

i beg for your presence in my heart

for long have i waited to enter your shrine


i have fought with my mind for so long

and i have learnt the futility of this dreadful war

give me the courage to stand alone

and teach me how to stop the spar


even after i gather the the greatest knowledge

i know that i am just your toy

show me the ways of sitting still

to feel the mystic hymns of tranquil joy



Desperate Call

memories a million haunt me all the time

please show some grace and soothe down my nerve

give me the wisdom of staying in the present

for you i will always serve


my ears have waited so long to hear your divine song

please show me your eternal glimpse

i am at your mercy now that i have known

that you are the one controlling my limbs


help me see the world as you see

help me grow in your garden of gold

it has been a dark night for so long

in my heart your remembrance i hold


i have seen my wishes and my wants

getting washed away by the tempest of change

here i sit with empty open hands

dissolving all the thoughts so strange



Herat Felt Surrender

i have seen through windows a million

i have been waiting for the call of the wild

i will go wherever u take me

sculpt me up till i become mild


i am ready to take any pain you give

for i know its a part of your plot

i want to swim in your wholly waters

for that i will give whatever i have got


i stand high on the edge of my mind

ready to jump to reach the deadly depths 

i want to know once and for all

for i have died a thousand deaths


i remember you with each of my breath

is it wrong to want you by my side

i plead you to take me into your arms

there is nothing more that i have to hide


Lost In The Middle

i am tired of using flesh and bones o my lord

take me back to your holy space

i long to fly high in your heart

i long to vanish without a trace


these false screens of the reality perceived 

locks me up in the minds jail

free me from what is not 

and make my life's boat sail


help me shed out the soot i carry

help me to cause no pain

my search has not been for gold

i want to soak myself in the holy rain


teach me to be a nobody 

strip me naked and show me the light

through the journey eternal have i learnt

that thought is the one which causes the fight



Beggars Plea

in your grand play of illusions

i know i am a mere pawn

waiting i sit to be shown the truth

waiting i sit to see the holy dawn


the night has been there for long

but still my faith is strong

i have knocked on several doors

in search of the divine song


why has been there so much suffering

and what is that makes you unfold this way

decoding your cryptic messages i find

hate is the one making everyone pay


why is turmoil entwined with the fabric of life

when the world of grace is free for all

teach me how to walk on this path

and listen to my heart's deepest call



Final Truth

i have been sitting in silence

watching each of my thought fly by

i ask you what more is there to do

to reach your temple so high


time exists just for convenience

and so does the game of words

reality is just a passing cloud

where we humans, move in herds


does anyone really know

whats in store for us, the human race

we are all swimming in swamps of chaos

screaming, shouting and spoiling the place


i request you to show us the way

and teach us how to cause no pain

i request you to wake us up

and teach us how to be sane

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